Rainbow llama

Billy's Brain Booster Gallery

Here in the gallery you'll find some great pictures of your favourite Billy's Brain Booster Juice characters, drawn by some of the most marvellous humans in the brainiverse - you, the readers. Come inside and take a look, but watch out for Mrs Granger's hairy legs!

Billy Radcliffe, drawn by Monik from Gloucester
The terrible Mrs Granger, drawn by Rosie from Worthing



would look



Dana the Dreadful, by Sam from Dumfries
Billy and his worm friends, by Lily from Cheltenham
Billy, Auntie Brenda and Mr Merriford, by Jessie from West Bromwich
Colin Bradley, by Abi from Chepstow
Billy and his marvellous Brain Booster Juice, by Sarah from Milton Keynes